Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes: 2017.03.07 Board Minutes
Library Trustees Present: Ellen Taetzsch, Martha Rowley, Carole Blackwood, John Bohannon, Heidi Lauricella, Leslie Lassetter, Gary Fox; Library Director Celina Houlne, Kate Kane, Susan Spaulding, Brady Weinstock
- Meeting opened at 7:20 pm, and the board welcomed newly elected Trustees Kate Kane, Susan Spaulding and Brady Weinstock
- Nothing to add to agenda
- Members of the General Public: Sand Martin from
- Oaths of Office – Celina read the Oath, Trustees all signed, and Sandy Martin, Notary Public authenticated.
- Election of Officers, Heidi moves, ad Leslie seconds a slate of John Chair, Ellen Vice Chair, Gary as Secretary, Martha as Treasurer; Motion carries unanimously
- Regular meeting dates and times – 4th Tuesday at 6:15 pm for about an hour; next meeting determine if July or August; No December; Next Meeting March 28, 2017
- Handed around and affirmed the rules and procedures
- Committee Assignments – John handed out the current list and asked people to e-mail him their choice before the next meeting
Historical Collection– getting items online – 10 year project working on this
- Other Business – N/A
- No Executive Session
- Motion to Adjourn Heidi, Ellen Seconds; Motion unanimous
Respectfully Submitted,
Gary Fox