Board of Trustees Special Meeting Minutes: September 12, 2014

SEPTEMBER 12, 2014

Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes

Present: Doreen Aldrich, Hope Brissette, Pat Fowler, Karin Fischer (9:05 a.m.), Carolyn Frisa (By Telephone), David Gould, Jan Mitchell-Love (9:06 a.m.), Trustees; Celina Houlne, Librarian

Press: None

Call to Order: Chairman Gould called the special meeting to order at 9:03 a.m.

Approval of Minutes of September 9, 2014: Not yet available

Public Comments: None; but Chairman Gould asked to add to the agenda the letter from Deborah Wright.

Approval of Expenditures of Office Furniture: Pat Fowler moved the expenditure as outlined of $704.37 for cabinets in the office area to come out of the Whitcomb Fund on the main library side. Carolyn Frisa seconded the motion. Fowler asked if the finish would match. Houlne advised that the staff will finish as they come unfinished. Hope Brissette said she sent an email after 5:00 p.m. asking for information on the Whitcomb Fund. Fowler replied that it is money collected when they were working on the renovation so it is for furnishings cut out of the budget.

Brissette asked if we need all of these cabinets. Houlne advised that they go above the cabinets that are on the bottom. Brissette asked who is going to install them. Houlne replied that Pepper from the town will install them at no charge. Mitchell-Love said that means at the tax payers expense. She added that she called Home Depot to ask if we could pick up the cabinets and save on the shipping and tax. Brissette said she could pick them up and deliver them. Fowler said when the chairs arrived, they didn’t pay for delivery into the building and they had to do it. Frisa said they have made deliveries into the building. Brissette said she wants to make sure that is the case.

Mitchell-Love said the Whitcomb Foundation is for kids. Can we spend on anything? She then asked for a copy of the Whitcomb Foundation donation. Earlier in the meeting, Houlne had distributed a summary of the donation which shows the original donation of $10,000 for the Youth Dept. and $15,000 for the main library. Brissette then asked if Houlne had shopped around. Houlne advised she did and these are matching. Frisa offered a friendly amendment to spend up to $704.37. Fowler was in agreement of the friendly amendment. A roll call was taken and Pat Fowler, Doreen Aldrich, David Gould, Karin Fischer and Carolyn Frisa were in favor of the motion (5). Hope Brissette and Jan Mitchell-Love were opposed (2). The motion carried.

Addition to Agenda: Letter from Deborah Wright. The Chairman wanted to discuss the email from Deborah Wright concerning the open meeting law. Both Mitchell-Love and Brissette

RFPL Trustee Minutes of 9/12/2014 2.

pointed out it couldn’t be done as there was no place on the agenda to add items. Gould did not pursue the matter.

Adjournment: At 9:16 a.m., Mitchell-Love moved to adjourn, seconded by Aldrich. The motion carried.

Respectfully submitted_________________________September 15, 2014
Doreen Aldrich