Finance Committee Meeting Agenda: Monday, October 27, 2014


The Finance Committee of the Rockingham Free Public Library Trustees Board of Trustees will meet on Monday Oct 27, 2014, at 6:15pm at the Rockingham Library Conference Room on the top floor.


RFPL Trustee Attendees:
Pat Fowler, Treasurer
Carol Blackwood, Trustee
Ray Massucco, Trustee
Jan Mitchell-Love, Trustee
Celina Houlne, Library Director
Mary Van Hartesveldt, RFPL Staff


1. Call to order
2. Additions or changes to agenda
3. Public comment (3 minutes per person)
4. Motion required to recommend to the Library Board of Trustees that we move funds from matured Merchants CD to River Valley Credit Union account.
5. Review of FY 15 Budget
6. Review of FY 16 Budget with staff (Chart of Accounts – bring your copy or additional copies will be available)
7. Other Business
8 Adjourn