Strategic Planning Committee Minutes: August 25, 2015

Minutes of Strategic Planning Committee

Tuesday, August 25, 2015, 1 p.m.


Present: John Bohannon, Leslie Lassetter, Celina Houlne

Meeting was called to order at 1:10 pm.


The committee discussed:

  • long range vs. strategic planning. It was decided that the board must approve the concept of this committee:  long range, i.e., to continue with present plans and mission; or strategic, i.e., to implement something new and different; or both combined.
  • A survey of stakeholders based on present mission statement.

The committee’s question for the board:  What needs to be done—develop some long range goals to improve our current operations, or, develop a strategic plan to take the RFPL in some new directions over the next three years?

The committee advises:  a survey of a sample of stakeholders over the next two months based on RFPL mission statement to determine perceived strengths and weaknesses.


Submitted by Leslie Lassetter, secretary for August 25 meeting


Personnel Committee Special Meeting DRAFT Minutes: August 18, 2015

RFPL PersComm

08/18/15 meeting minutes

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Rockingham Free Public Library

Personnel Committee Special Meeting Minutes

August 18, 2015, 5:23 PM. RFPL Top Floor Meeting Room


Committee members present: Carol Blackwood (Chair), Pat Fowler, John                                                                           Bohannon, Karin Fischer

Library personnel present:                   Celina Houlné (Library Director)

Members of the public present:


  1. The meeting was called to order at 5:23PM by Blackwood.


  1. There was no change to the agenda.


  1. There was no public comment.


  1. The minutes of the meeting of July 21st were approved.


  1. Director evaluation. The planned schedule was confirmed. Evaluations will be picked up at the library by September 1st and returned to a box in the library by noon on September 12th. Blackwood will contact anyone who does not return an evaluation. Bohannon will pick up the evaluations and record verbatim the comments on each. There will be a list in the box to keep track of the evaluations removed by Bohannon for processing. The committee will review the evaluations on September 17th at its regular meeting.


  1. New business. None


  1. The next meeting is on September 17th at 5:15 PM at the RFPL.


  1. Review of tasks. See above


  1. The committee, with the Director, entered into executive session at 5:35 PM to discuss the Library Director’s contract and conduct the monthly performance review. The committee came out of executive session at 6:02 PM.


  1. The meeting adjourned at 6:02 PM.




Respectfully submitted by John Bohannon, Committee Secretary, August 18th, 2015.


Strategic Planning Committee Meeting Agenda: August 25, 2015

Strategic Planning Committee

25 August, 2015

1:00 PM

 08.25.2015 Strategic Planning Committee Agenda

Location: Top floor Meeting Room (or Youth Program Room)




  1. Call to order.
  2. Additions to the agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting
  3. Public comment (3 minutes per person)
  4. Selection of chair and vice-chair/secretary
  5. Discussion of the definition of the purpose of this committee
  6. Discussion of ways to implement the purpose of this committee
  7. New Business
  8. Set date for next meeting and review agenda items
  9. Executive Session (as needed)
  10. Review tasks
  11. Adjourn




Posted and emailed August 19, 2015


Personnel Committee Special Meeting Agenda: Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Trustees Personnel Committee Special Meeting

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

5:15 PM


Location: Top floor Meeting Room (or Youth Program Room)

 Click here to download a .pdf of this agenda: 2015.08.18 Personnel Committee Meeting Agenda



  1. Call to order
  2.  Additions to the agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will      require ratification at a future meeting.
  3.  Public comment (3 minutes per person)
  4.  Approve minutes of 21 July 2015 meeting
  5.  Library Director Evaluation Process, if needed
  6.  New Business
  7.  Set date for next meeting and review agenda items
  8. Review tasks
  9. Executive Session
  10. Adjourn






Posted and emailed August 14, 2015


Board of Trustees Meeting DRAFT Minutes: August 4, 2015

Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes: RFPLminutes8-4-15

Draft Minutes

4 Aug , 2015

6:15 PM


Trustees Present:  Carol Blackwood, Chair; Doreen Aldrich, John Bohannon, Karin Fischer, Pat Fowler, Leslie Lassetter, Ray Massucco (had to leave at 7:25) & Martha Rowley, and Ellen Taetzsch.


Library Personnel Present:  Celina Houlne, Director


No members of public present.


  1.   Call to order at 6:23 pm.
  2.   Additions to the agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting.  Location of book drop (see below).
  3.   Public comment – none.
  4.   Aldrich moved to approve minutes of 23 Jun 2015 meeting.  Fowler seconded.  Unanimously approved.
  5.   New Board Member, Ellen Taetzch was introduced to the board and signed her oath of office..
  6.   Director’s Report: including FY 2015 financials, FY 2016 projections and employee pay.  Massucco moved to approve COLA / Merit increases to employee pay for FY 2016.  Fowler seconded.  The motion was approved.  Six voted in favor: Aldrich, Blackwood, Fischer, Fowler, Massucco.  Three were opposed: Bohannon, Lassetter, Taetzch.  The discussion included an expressed hope to further increase employee pay to an amount equal to the town’s base pay for the same grade for FY 17.
  7.  Committee Reports:

Building and grounds:  Board voted unanimously to accept donation of sign from friends as well as donation for a plaque citing Carnegie (either bronze or composite) to cover the old book drop.  Board voted unanimously to have the book drop moved by town to the location approved by zoning.

Historic collection: Carolyn Frisa will submit policy edits.  Next meeting is Sept 21st at 10:00 am.

Personnel: Library Director Evaluation Process: Board voted to unanimously adopt the evaluation process submitted by the committee.

Long Range planning will make plans to meet soon.

  1.  New Business – none
  2. Set date for next meeting (22 Sep 15) and review agenda items
  3. Executive Session not needed
  4. Review tasks: Begin to plan Chamber Mixer for 21 Oct 15.  Celina will seek input from contractors regarding repair to flat roof.
  5. Adjourn at 8:10.


Respectfully submitted by Karin Fischer 8/9/15.


Rockingham Free Public Library, 65 Westminster Street, Bellows Falls, VT 05101

Phone 802-463-4270     Fax 802-463-1566

Building and Grounds Committee DRAFT Minutes: July 30, 2015





JULY 30, 2015

9:00 AM


LOCATION: Top Floor Meeting Room


Present: Doreen Aldrich, Chair; L. Raymond Massucco & Ellen Taetzsch, Committee Members; Celina Houlne, Library Director

Call to Order: 9:05 AM

Additions to Agenda: None

Public Comment: None

Landscaping: The planting map drawn up at the start of the library renovations was submitted by Houlne. The Kersulas approve of the plan. Cory and Janelle Haskell of Terra Flora in Walpole are interested in doing the job. Fall is a good time to plant. Houlne suggested little bushes near the kids’ room. Massucco moved to make the recommendation to the full board to go with Terra Flora for our landscaping needs, seconded by Taetzsch. The motion carried. Houlne will ask for an updated estimate.

Exterior Signs: The original sign was done by Frank Hawkins and paid for by “Friends of the Library”. Will Parmelee, sign maker in the Putney and Brattleboro area sent a design in black with gold lettering. It will be low to the ground and painted on both sides and he quoted $1,300. It will be 48” with 6” plywood and metal posts. Houlne would also like a bronze plaque to cover the old book drop on the front of the building. The cost would be $850 and would be paid for by the “Friends”. Massucco advised that composite is just as good; but way less expensive. He will bring a sample for Houlne to look at. Massucco moved to recommend to the full board that Will Parmelee do the replacement sign; it being paid for by “Friends of the Library”. Aldrich seconded and the motion passed.

Book Drop: Houlne recommended moving it to the left of the entrance to the library as shown in the original plan when doing the renovations. Aldrich advised that if we change anything from the original plan we will have to go back to the zoning board and amend the permit. Aldrich made the motion to move the book drop to the left of the library entrance walk as shown on the map. Taetzsch seconded and the motion carried.

Flat Roof: Houlne explained that the leaks are bad. It was agreed that the problem has to be addressed immediately. There are no grant monies for this.   Massucco recommended seeking specs to inspect the roof and make recommendations for repair. Aldrich seconded and the motion carried.

New Business: None

Review Tasks: Massucco to get information on the bronze plaque for the old book drop; addition to the agenda for August 4th meeting regarding the sign; landscaping at the rear of the building and kids library and roof repairs. This committee will set a date for our next meeting after the August 4th regular board of trustees meeting.

Adjourn: Massucco moved to adjourn at 9:50 a. m.


Respectfully submitted:_____________________________Chair – Recording Secretary