Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: Tuesday March 9, 2021

Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Click here to download a .pdf of thee minutes.

6:00 PM

PRESENT: Ellen Taetzsch, Don Tretler, Martha Rowley, Duane Whitehead, Dale Kondracki, Celina Houlne, Claudia Sofield, Kathleen Hacker, Mary Shepard.

ABSENT: Brady Weinstock

LOCATION: To protect the health of the public, the meeting was held on-line via ZOOM.

1. Call to Order: 6:10

2. Additions to Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting: n/a

3. Public Comment (3 minutes per person): n/a

4. Oath of Office: Will be held at Village Square Booksellers with Pat. Call to arrange a good time.

5. Election of Officers: Don moved, Martha seconded.

Chair – Ellen Taetzsch, Vice-Chair – Don Tretler, Treasurer – Martha Rowley, Secretary – Brady Weinstock

passed unanimously

6. Selection of Regular Meeting Date, Time, & Schedule for the Year: Martha moved, Mary seconded.

1st Tuesday of every other month – Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., Nov.

passed unanimously

7. Adoption of Rules of Procedure, Code of Ethics, Continuation of Adopted Policies: Ellen moved, Dale seconded

We will abide by Robert’s Rules of Order, provided to us in Binders

passed unanimously

8. Board Signature Authorization: Martha moved, Mary seconded

Board members available to sign warrants.

passed unanimously

9. Board Committees Assignments: Don moved, Ellen seconded

Brady will be leaving the Fundraising committee.

Duane will be leaving Policy and joining Finance.

Claudia will be joining both Policy and Fundraising.

Dale will be leaving Fundraising.

passed unanimously

10. Approve Minutes of January 5, 2021 Meeting: Mary moved, Duane seconded

approved unanimously, Claudia abstained

11. Director’s Report & FY21 Budget Status Report:

Auditors are almost finished. Questions can be addressed to Shannon at the Town Finance office.

Duane had a question about Staff Activities – RFPL has been on FACT-TV 3 times to talk about the membership drive for Friends of the Library.

Ellen commented on a reduction in the budget which Duane questioned.

12. Executive Session – Employees’ Labor Relations Negotiations, Director’s Evaluation

Entered Executive Session: 6:50

Left Executive Session: 7:22

13. Other Business: n/a

14. Review Action Items, and Proposed Agenda Items for Next Meeting

We will vote on a Merit Increase for the Library Director.

15. Review and Approve Warrants;

Ellen moved, Mary seconded

Kathleen and Duane will drop by the Library to sign.

unanimously accepted

16. Adjourn: Martha moved, Ellen seconded

Next meeting – Tuesday May 4th at 6pm.

Adjourned at 7:29pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Don Tretler, Vice Chair

Posted March 14, 2021