Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Rockingham Free Public Library
Board of Trustees Personnel Committee Meeting
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Present: Carol Blackwood, Don Tretler, Martha Rowley, Brady Weinstock, Ian Graham

Absent: n/a

Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes

  1. Call to Order: 7:55 pm.
  2. Additions to Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that willrequire ratification at a future meeting: n/a
  1. Public Comment (3 minutes per person): n/a
  2. Approve Minutes of June 7, 2022 meeting: Martha moved, Brady seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
  1. Discussion: Evaluation of Director: Full board approved revised chronology of director’sevaluation during its meeting held before this one.
  1. Review Action Items and Proposed Agenda Items for Next Meeting: We will meet and finalize decisions on the collection of the evaluation input process in September/October.
  1. Set Date for Next Meeting: We will decide on a date following the next full board meeting in September.
  1. Executive Session (If Necessary): Brady moved that the Personnel Committee enterexecutive session for discussion of a personnel issue, under the provisions of Title 1, Section 313 (a) (3), and invite the Library Director, Ian Graham, to attend. Don moved,

Brady seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Entered executive session at 8:01 pm

Martha moved to come out of executive session, Don seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Left executive session at 8:07 pm.

No action was taken

  1. Other Business: Martha moved that the Personnel Committee submit a recommendation to the full board that the Library Director be given a 2% pay increase, which has been budgeted for, retroactive to the start of the fiscal year of July 1. Don seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
  1. Adjourn: Martha moved, Don seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Brady Weinstock, Secretary