Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes: Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Rockingham Free Public Library
Board of Trustees Policy Committee Draft Minutes (recorded by Mike Sola)
Wednesday, 5 June 2024
Trustees Present: Margo Ghia (Chair), Carol Blackwood, Wendy Levy, Mike Sola
Staff Present: Ian Graham (Director)
Location: library, first floor rear

Click here to download a copy of these minutes
1. Call to Order: Board Chair Margo Ghia called the meeting to order at 6:29 pm

2. Additions to Agenda: none

3. Public Comment: none

4. Discussion: initial review of Operational and Personnel Policies; determine next steps
—Wendy Levy moved to nominate Carol Blackwood as committee chair, seconded by Mike Sola, unanimously adopted
—Ian Graham raised the issue of how S.220, “An act relating to Vermont’s public libraries,” will affect the library’s operational and personnel policies. The ensuing discussion focused on two points: (1) the library’s policies must align with the state’s; the state’s policies have not yet been established; the committee needs to
wait upon determination of the state’s policies before acting; (2) whether the library’s personnel policies are on a sound legal basis, given the town’s existing personnel policies
—Ian Graham and Mike Sola will do an independent comparison of the two policies when the town’s policy document becomes available (within three weeks)
—Mike Sola will do a first editing of the library’s operational and personnel policies document, followed by a second reading of the edited version by Wendy Levy; this to be done within one week
—committee members will review the library’s bylaws, particularly regarding number of board trustees, trustee tenure, and scheduling of voting for new trustees
—the committee agreed to hold another meeting on 17 June 2024, at 6:30 pm, to review the edited version of the library’s operational and personnel policies and the committee members’ review of the bylaws

5. Other Business: none

6. Review Action Items, Propose Agenda Items for Next Meeting: review of operational and personnel policies and bylaws

7. Adjourn: a motion to adjourn was made by Margo Ghia, seconded by Wendy Levy, at 7:38

—respectfully submitted by Michael Sola