Strategic Planning Committee: February 10, 2016

Strategic Planning Committee

10 February, 2016

12:00 Noon


Location: Top floor Meeting Room (or Youth Program Room)

Click here to download a .pdf of this agenda:  2016.02.10 Strategic Planning Committee Agenda



  1. Call to order.
  2. Additions to the agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting
  3. Public comment (3 minutes per person)
  4. Review of goals and plan
  5. New Business: Review draft survey and develop plan for administering it
  6. Set date for next meeting and review agenda items
  7. Executive Session (as needed)
  8. Review tasks
  9. Adjourn

NOTE:      Chair is John, Secretary is Leslie, member is Ellen




Posted and emailed February 5, 2016