Personnel Committee Special Meeting Agenda: Tuesday, Sept 13, 2015

Trustees Personnel Committee Special Meeting

Tues, 13 Sep, 2015

5:15 PM

Click here to download a .pdf of this agenda:  2015 10 13 Personnel Committee Meeting Agenda

Location: Top floor Meeting Room (or Youth Program Room)




  1. Call to order.
  2.  Additions to the agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will      require ratification at a future meeting.
  3.  Public comment (3 minutes per person).
  4.  Approve minutes of 15 Sep 2015 meeting.
  5.  Library Director Evaluation Process, if needed
  6.  New Business
  7.  Set date for next meeting and review agenda items
  8. Review tasks
  9. Executive Session
  10. Adjourn






Posted and emailed October 7, 2015