Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: July 8, 2014

JULY 8, 2014

Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes.

Present: Doreen Aldrich, Carol Blackwood, Karin Fischer, Patricia Fowler, Carolyn Frisa, David Gould, Trustees; Library Staff, Samantha Maskell and Mary VanHartesveldt
Absent: Hope Brissette, L. Raymond Massucco & Jan Mitchell-Love;
Others: David DeRusha

Call to Order: Chairman Gould brought the meeting to order at 6:17 p.m. He thanked Friends of the Library for the new clock in the meeting room.

Additions or Changes to Agenda: None

Approval of June 10, 2014 Minutes: Frisa pointed out that the minutes referred to the Directors’ Report being attached; but it wasn’t attached to the minutes sent to the trustees. It was noted that it is on the web site and Maskell said she will resend it to the trustees. Under Committee Reports-Finance Committee, the last sentence reads, “Mitchell-Love asked who the town treasurer is and Gould responded, Doreen”. Frisa pointed out that it should say “Doreen Aldrich”. Under Historical Collection Committee: No report. She asked committee members, should say Frisa asked committee members, etc. On page 3 under New Business, Frisa asked to add “Village Trustee Meetings” on the last line so as not to confuse it with Library Trustee Meetings. Fowler then moved to adopt the Minutes of June 10th as corrected; seconded by Frisa. The motion carried with one abstention.

Welcome New Trustee: Gould welcomed Karin Fischer, the newest board member and thanked her. Gould also welcomed Houlne back as Library Director.

Public Comments: VanHartesveldt explained to Fischer that if she had questions about the warrants, bookkeeping, etc. she was available to help.

Director’s Report: Houlne said that Gould had asked her to include the library stats in her reports. She had Maskell explain about the summer programs. Maskell advised that the summer reading program has started. It is in the second week and they have had a great turnout. The lunch program just started. Included in the youth programs are the school district wide visits and that is over 600. Houlne added because the classes actually run through the library. Maskell added that it is turning out to be a great summer.

Houlne advised the “No Smoking” signs are on their way. Regarding the sign out front, they may find out that it is too expensive to replace right away; but it doesn’t mean they are not planning to replace it. There may be money at the end of the year to get it redone. Houlne also reported that the HVAC is loud. When the building renovation was planned; they talked about putting up a sound barrier; but decided to wait before expending the money for a small wall. Houlne will get in touch with ARC Mechanical and find out what they do with their other sites.

Fowler interjected that the neighbors have been waiting for six months and are very upset because they are opening their windows now and hearing that noise. Houlne said she has talked with the Kersula’s and they understand. Fowler added that we need to act on this now and not wait until the end of the summer. It is not fair to those people. Houlne suggested calling a special trustee meeting once she has a figure.

Houlne reported that the flat roof at the rear of the building has been leaking for a while. The membrane is wearing out. She will get some estimates for repair. Maskell asked if Houlne would ask about having the roof looked at on the Temple Street side of the building where the snow slides off onto the sidewalk and ice builds up. Houlne said she would. Houlne reported that there are bike racks for the library; they are currently behind the village garage and she will get on them to get them installed.

Regarding the new Library Fund report from the town, when Chip started it, he didn’t separate out the operations costs from capital costs so Mary VanHartesveldt wrote on the report, the actual figures without the renovation. The second page shows the revenues without the renovation monies. The floor scrubber that was approved in April is on back order so we won’t get it for a few weeks. Houlne asked for a new motion to approve the purchase in this fiscal year. Gould said if we are waiting for invoices through July to be added to FY 14, why are we concerned about having a new motion about the floor scrubber. Frisa’s concern was that it could be turned around; that it was approved in April, 2014 but paid after the fiscal year ended.

Houlne asked if the board would like to participate in the staff evaluations of Sam and Emily. Blackwood said considering they were filling the function of our director and our plan is for the board to evaluate the library director, then it makes sense for the board to have input from the time they were acting library directors. Houlne asked if the board would like her to email the forms or would the directors like to stop by. Gould asked Houlne to email them. Houlne advised that she will advertise for the part-time position of programming, interview in August and, hopefulluy, have someone on board in September.

Maskell advised that Wednesday (7/9) she will be holding a national webinar. This is the first national webinar for her.

Houlne advised that Zervas has been working on a grant for folding tables and chairs.

Houlne reported that the state librarian testified about the importance of open internet at a Senate hearing and had a handout for the trustees. There will be a webinar per the state librarian about the open meeting law for library trustees. Frisa said it will be on Monday, July 21st from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Gould asked Houlne to send an email reminding the trustees of this. Houlne passed out updated information about the open meeting law for everyone’s Handbook.

VanHartesveldt reported on finances. The budget is looking good. Gould thanked VanHartesveldt and the staff for the diligence dealing with this budget year.

Committee Reports:
Personnel Committee – Approve Library Director’s Job Description

Houlne had a question on page 2, Financial Operations, third bullet, second line, “seeking approval from the Board of Trustees for any adjustment to the library budget above $1,000.”

She explained that we have a budget; but then there are line items where we have estimated what the cost is going to be; however, the electric bill may be higher. She asked is this current line items or is it total budget. Fowler replied that she thinks line items. After a lengthy discussion, Gould told Houlne if after three or four months, you feel handcuffed, we will revisit this.

Frisa had a question under Personnel Management, the third bullet; “Ensure correct wages are paid to staff.” Frisa suggested adding “wages and benefits” are paid to staff. Frisa noted on the last page, under Educational Requirements, there should be a period after “capacity”. Frisa moved that the board approve the Library Director Job Description as amended and printed. Blackwood seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Houlne asked who would make the changes. Frisa said she would.

VanHartesveldt asked about multi-year contracts and who should sign them. Blackwood moved to authorize Houlne to sign for a new elevator contract, a multi-year contract, with the appropriate company; seconded by Frisa. The motion carried unanimously.

Finance Committee: Fowler had no report as they can’t agree on a time to meet. The committee thought early Saturday mornings before recycling opens would be a good time; but Massucco is adamant about not meeting on Saturdays. Blackwood asked about Skype scipe. Fowler said she would ask Massducco; but he is on vacation in Maine right now.

Policy Committee: – By-laws Update – Blackwood said she would like to meet on July 29th here at the library at 6:15 p.m. Aldrich advised that she is available. The committee consists of Blackwood, Aldrich, Frisa and Massucco. VanHartesveldt added that if By-laws have been worked on, Karin Fischer does not have any of that in her handbook.

Buildings and Grounds Committee: Landscaping –Sign — Frisa explained before the Grand Opening celebration, someone printed the library logo on paper to cover the lockbox. It looked good; but now is looking awful. She suggested printing it again, getting it laminated and put up again.

Historical Collection Committee: No Report

Old Business: Gould reminded board members that at the last meeting, one of the members brought up the question that the second Tuesday of the month conflicts with the Village Trustee Meetings and asked if we would consider changing the meeting date. Maskell put together a survey and sent it out and not all the trustees responded. It looks like with the exception of Massucco Thursday evening might be good. After discussion, Gould ruled that we stay with our Tuesday meetings at 6:15 p.m. and Blackwood agreed. If there is something critical going on in the town/village, we could move our meeting on a case by case basis.

Floor Scrubber: Frisa moved that the trustees approve the $4,000 that was approved in April for the floor scrubber be moved into FY15. Blackwood seconded the motion and the motion carried.

New Business: None

Executive Session: None needed.

Other: Houlne said at previous meetings, any homework to be done before the next meeting or anything that had been committed to during the current meeting was the time to think of what would be put on the next agenda.

Next Meeting: August 12th at 6:15 p.m. Houlne will be at a family wedding in D.C. Fowler said she is having surgery on the 4th and does not know if she will make that meeting.

Adjournment: Frisa moved to adjourn at 7:40 p.m., seconded by Fowler. The motion carried.

Respectfully submitted________________________________July 11, 2014 Doreen Aldrich

Director’s Report
July 8, 2014
Célina Houlné

June Programs and Statistics * Summer Reading Program kicked off on June 23rd with the Stuffed Animal Sleepover and a fantastic science/magic presentation by Exordium. Lots of families, kids and teens have signed up and are keeping track of their reading for weekly incentives. See handout for full description of Summer Reading Program and activities, or visit the Library’s website:
* Lunch program at the Library runs from July 7-Aug 15. Lunches are available for free to any youth up to the age of 18. Adults may purchase a lunch for $3.60. There is no registration, but sign-ups are encouraged. A Library activity will follow the lunch program from 12-1.
Adult One Time Programs: 3 events, attendance of 77
Adult Ongoing Programs: 7 events, attendance of 33
Youth Programs: 8 events, attendance of 547
Meeting Room and Program Room usage: 20 events
Adults Computer Use: 703 library computer, 536 laptop
Youth Computer Use: 185 library computer
New Library Cards issued: 44
New titles added to collection: 353
Items checked out: 3,577

Building and Grounds
* No Smoking Signs – Emily and Sam met with Greater Falls Connection to order no-smoking signs from the state for the front of the Library and the bench. We are still awaiting their arrival and will be working with the Highway Dept to get them mounted.

* Landscaping – I’m seeking another bid from a company often used by the town.

* Sign – I’m seeking another bid from the maker of the Ludlow Library sign.

* HVAC Units – I spoke with Ellen Howard to explain we’re looking at alternatives for reducing the noise of the HVAC units at the rear of the building. We’ll need to bring the plan to her for review by the zoning board. I’ve called ARC Mechanical who installed the units, to ask for possible solutions, and I’ve contacted our neighbor out back to assure him we’re looking for a solution.

* Water leaks – Flat roof membrane needs repair along the juncture of the new addition. I’ve called the roofing company which installed it, for both the repair and to inspect the rest of the roof. Weather-stripping will be installed on the bottom of the door that accesses the roof.

* Bike racks – Several bike racks were procured through a town-level grant a few years ago and there are some still available to use at the Library.

* June 30, 2014 is the end of fiscal year 2014. Back-postings will be made this month and then the auditors will review the final figures in August.

* Aside from the overage of the renovation capital expense, operational expenses should come in under budget, as it did in the last Fiscal Year 2013, due to savings in various areas such as personnel and maintenance and repair lines.

* The floor scrubber was back-ordered from the warehouse and will arrive in August. As it was not paid for during FY14, it will be charged to the FY15 budget. The Board will need to vote to approve this expenditure for this fiscal year.

* A staff workshop was held on June 16, the day I returned to work and it was led by Michael Roche, a Librarian from the Department of Libraries. We reviewed the process of the transition and since then I’ve begun to meet individually with staff members to review past activities and to discuss future goals.

* Staff evaluations are now underway, with input from Emily and Sam as they supervised the staff for much of the year. For Sam and Emily, I suggest that board members fill out an evaluation form for each of them, to cover the time they performed directorial duties, which I will then incorporate into their evaluations.

* I will be advertising for the part-time librarian position left open after Ed Graves departed last year. Hiring will likely happen in early September.

* Sam co-taught along with Mara Segal from the Vermont State Department of Libraries, a national webinar on Makerspaces in small and rural libraries for OCLC.

* Emily submitted a grant to the Thomas Thompson Trust for $13,000 towards wooden tables and chairs for the main floor. We should know the outcome by August.

* The Department of Libraries June newsletter has information about the recent changes made to the State’s Open Meeting Law: It includes a link to Act No. 143: State Librarian Martha Reid testified about the importance of open internet at a US Senate Committee field hearing. Led by Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) in support of network neutrality, the hearing “Preserving an Open Internet: Rules to Promote Competition and Protect Main Street Consumers” took place in Burlington, VT. More information is available on the Department of Library’s website:

More information and trainings will be provided by the Dept. of Libraries later this summer.