Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: Thursday, December 13, 2012


4:00 PM

LOCATION: WOOL Radio, 33 Bridge Street in Bellows Falls

Trustees in attendance: David Buckley, Duane Whitehead, Hope Brissette, Carolyn Frisa, Deborah Wright, Deb Wetzel, Jan Mitchell-Love, and Laura Senes. Also present: Célina Houlné (Library director) and Serena Hickey for public comment.

AGENDA: Called to order by Jan Mitchell-Love at 4:05.

1. Additions or changes to agenda-Change made to add the discussion of contracts to the executive session portion of the meeting.

2. Public comment (3 minutes in person)-Serena Hickey presented to thank the board for not meeting at the library, as the meetings can be loud at times. This is especially true now with the reduced available space in library. The board will continue to have board meetings outside of the library until there is room available.

3. Approve Minutes of November Trustees meeting and special meetings.-
Motion to approve as written the minutes for the special meeting on November 8, 2012 passed unanimously.
Motion to approve as written the minutes for the monthly trustee meeting on November 14, 2012 passed unanimously.
Motion to approve as written the minutes for the special meeting on December 10, 2012 passed unanimously.

4. Director’s Monthly Report & Financial Report- Célina Houlné gives directors report, including renovation update. Célina is working on the annual appeal letter and needs the trustees to come in and help write personal notes on them.

5. Committee Reports and Issues
a. Policy-Nothing to report
b. Building-Nothing to report
c. Historical Collection-Carolyn Frisa reports that there was a meeting of the Historical Collection committee. We did not receive the grant we had applied for. They are presently planning the grand opening exhibit.
d. Communications-Deb Wetzel reports the NYC trip was a success and made about $1800. There were about 75 people present for the open house.
e. Renovation- Célina Houlné suggests the trustees approve of PR-13 for the full $1213.00 for essential electrical work. At the last meeting the trustees approved to pay for $905. A motion was made to approve paying the whole $1213. This motion did not pass with 3 votes for, 3 votes against, and 2 abstentions. Any issues with the architect or Baybutt on this matter will be directed to Jan Mitchell-Love.
f. Finance-Nothing to report
g. Personnel-Nothing to report

6. Renovation Project Update – discuss Tuesday, December 18th Selectboard Meeting- The Selectboard will meet on Tuesday. There will be an executive session to discuss contract matters starting about 7:00 that the library trustees will attend. The library trustees will meet at 6:45 in the hall for an update from the Tuesday construction meeting.

7. Fundraising Committee Update-Nothing to report

8. Review Agenda Items for next meeting and set date-The next meeting will be January 10th at 4:00, location to be announced.

9. Executive Session: Personnel and contract matters-Motion to go into executive session at 4:45 approved unanimously. Discussion of personnel and contract matters. Executive session adjourned at 5:50.

10. Adjourn-Motion to adjourn meeting 5:58 approved unanimously.

These minutes respectfully submitted by Co-Secretary, Laura Senes on December 21, 2012.