Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: Thursday, May 10, 2012


THURSDAY, MAY 10, 2012
4:00 PM

In attendance: Jan Mitchell-Love, Duane Whitehead, David Buckley, Hope Brissette, Steve Fuller, Debbi Wetzel, Laura Senes, and Celina Houlne.

Call to order: Jan Mitchell-Love called the meeting to order at 4:04pm.

Additions or changes to agenda: No additions or changes.

Public comment: No public comments to report.

Approve Minutes of Board Meeting: April 12, 2012-The minutes were approved unanimously by the Trustees.

Director’s Monthly Report & Financial Report: Celina reports the renovation has begun. The spring programs are winding down, then there will be a little break, then programs will start up heavily again with the summer reading program. At this point we are looking at a financial shortfall of about $8,000 (it might be a little less). This is better than last year but not what we hoped for for this year. There is still some money from insurance that could possibly be applied to this shortfall.

Also discussed was the impact of the renovation on our price of insurance. The cost of insurance will be reassessed after the renovation.

Renovation Project Update: the Renovation Committee presented bids from HVAC and plumbing contractors to the board. Not all contractors have the required certification from Mitsubishi. A motion was made to accept the renovation committee’s and architect’s recommendation to hire ARC Mechanical for HVAC Mechanical and Pluming, who are Mitsubishi-certified. This motion was accepted unanimously.

The board also requested some information on the new heating system. Celina will get this information to the board. Baybutt has started demolition in the children’s room. They will finish taking out asbestos tiles which will occur when the library is closed.

The elevator and stairs will be built first. Details will be worked out in the next few weeks.

The board discussed fundraising projects to cover the costs of new furniture and solar panels and of restoring the lead windows, a $200,000 goal in all. A fundraising strategy meeting is to be held June 14th from 5-6. The board will ask members of the community to come, in hopes that a committee will be formed as a result. Jan will write something up for the newspaper.

Committee Reports and Issues
Policy: Nothing to report
Building: Nothing to report
Historical Collection: Nothing to report
Communications: A fundraising event, a Book, Plant and Bake sale is planned for May 19, from 8 to 3 p.m. Debbi will send out a sign-up email for trustees to work the book sale. Donations are now being taken for books, and plants go to Betty. Also, the committee is planning a NY city weekend trip before Christmas.
Finance: Nothing to report
Personnel: Will schedule time to work on evaluation forms and getting forms out to be completed by trustees and staff.

Review Agenda Items for next meeting and set date. The next meeting will be June 14th at 4:00.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.


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