Board of Trustees Special Meeting Minutes: Thursday, August 16, 2012

5:10 PM
Board Members in attendance: David Buckley, Duane Whitehead, Laura Senes, Steve Fuller, Carolyn Frisa, Deb Wright, and Jan Mitchell-Love. Additional Attendees: Célina Houlné (Library Director), Peter Stolley (Renovation Committee), and Pat Fowler (Renovation Committee).

The meeting was called to order at 5:15 by Jan Mitchell-Love.


1. Additions or changes to agenda
No additions or changes were made.
2. Public comment (3 minutes in person)
No public comments were made.

3. Renovation Project Letter about Schedule
• Jan Mitchell-Love recapped the scheduling/delay issues recently presented to the Renovation Committee by Baybutt. The most recent schedule (sent on August 6) states that Phase I of the project is scheduled for completion on January 18, 2013. No schedule was provided at this time for Phase II.
• Jason LaCombe (consulting architect from SMP) recommended the Board write a letter to the owner of Baybutt Construction voicing our concern. He provided Célina and Jan with list of suggested topics to include prior to this meeting. Jan wrote a draft letter that was sent to Board Members and Renovation Committee Members for review prior to this meeting.
• Célina Houlné reminded reported that one major issue is the Library only has funds allocated to cover architect’s consulting fees/attendance at Renovation meetings through December 31, 2012 as this was the previously agreed completion date for the entire project.
• Discussion ensued and edits to the letter to Fred Baybutt were proposed and approved accordingly. Carolyn Frisa agreed to send the edited version of the letter to Jan and the rest of the Trustees by the next day.
• This letter will then be sent to Fred Baybutt by USPS and via email.

4. Renovation Project Update
• The meeting room on the 2nd floor was recently given a maximum capacity of 49 people during a fire safety inspection performed by the State of Vermont. At this point, it is unclear as to why such a low figure was given; John Edwards (Baybutt Project Manager) believes it because of the size and orientation of the original 1909 doors leading to the stairs. He will be following up with the state inspector to confirm this and to formulate a plan to remedy the situation (most likely will be to replace the doors with ones that better meet current safety codes).

5. Adjourn
• A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by David Buckley at 6:00pm. It was seconded by Steve Fuller and agreed upon unamimously.