Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: February 28, 2017



Library Trustees Present: Doreen Aldridge, Ellen Taetzsch, Martha Rowley, Carole Blackwood, Ray Massucco, John Bohannon, Heidi Lauricella, Leslie Lassetter, Gary Fox; Library Director Celina Houlne


  1. Meeting opened at 6:20 pm
  2. Nothing to add to agenda
  3. Members of the General Public: Polly Montgomery from Friends of the RFPL

Raising funds by selling the Pfohl 6 x 6 Vilas Bridge.   Charlie is raising some – goal is a little over $1,000 per month. And Match through Indiegogo crowdfunding (CF).

Charlie Hunter –and Carolyn Friesa – will set up incentives for the CF like prints of the Vilas painting if you give $100. 6 -month program – goal by November 1, 2017 is $12,500


– Trivia night – get some more teams for – March 11, 4 pm to 6:30 pm; Beer, Wine, Cider and Snacks – Irish Theme; 2 teams from Chroma, Windham Antiques, Greater Rock Fitness, Celina table, Heidi will try to get a team from Sweeney Todd, posters forwarded to board by Celina.

– May 13 plant sale for Friends

– April 7 book sale for Friends members only on Friday (get new members) and general public starting Saturday


  1. Ray moves and Carole Seconds- approve the minutes of January 26, 2017.

Motion carries, with 3 abstentions


  1. Directors Report e-mailed, Highlights:

Save the Date: April 4, Tuesday is Town Educators Conference – 9 am to 3 pm, Celina will forward details when they arrive.

– Close to hiring for reference librarian, very happy about this.


  1. FY 17 budget status report; the appeal letters we signed and mailed have returned so far- 69 donations totalling $4,930, $1,000 to go to meet budget


  1. 7 pm on March the 6th for Town Meeting to vote on the Library budget; March 7, 2017, elections for Library Trustees Board – 3 people running for 3 seats: Brady Weinstock, Kate Kane and Susan Spaulding

– Question on finalizing of renovation debt –  paid our fair share, it is now done and settled


  1. Meeting Room regulation changes: special attachment to meeting warning

Heidi Moves and Gary seconds to change the rental for outside Library hours to $25; motion defeated 4 to 3.

– John moves and Gary seconds, to strike #2, and move #18 to #2 adjusting the language from “before and after library hours” to “outside library hours”

Motion carries unanimously


  1. Other Business – N/A
  2. Review and Approve Warrants
  3. Review Action Items, and proposed agenda items for next meeting: March 28, 6:15 pm
  4. Organizational meeting after voting closes on March 7, at 7:15 at he RFPL, with March 14th is a back-up depending on if the candidates can make it.
  5. No Executive Session
  6. Heidi Moves and Gary Seconds to adjourn – Meeting adjourns at 6:50 pm

Respectfully Submitted, Gary Fox, Secretary