Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: July 26, 2016

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

July 26th, 2017

Location: Top Floor Meeting Room

Trustees in Attendance: John Bohannon, Leslie Lassetter, Ellen Taetzsch, Carol Blackwood, Martha Rowley, Doreen Aldrich

Trustees Absent: Ray Massucco, Gary Fox, Heidi Lauricella

Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes: Library board minutes 7 26 16

  1. Call to Order 6:19pm
  2. Additions to the Agenda for routine administrative matter and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting SMP settlement letter and funds owed to the town will fall under other business
  3. Public Comment Joel Love commented on the pending lawsuit against the library
  4. Approve Minutes of June 28, 2016 meeting Leslie Lassetter moves to approve the minutes and Doreen Aldrich second.  Amendment was made to add Ellen Taetzsch as absent from the last minute.  The minutes were approved with  with the amendment unanimously
  5. Directors Report Celina reviewed the highlights
  6. Historical Collection Committee Report & Recommendations for Next Steps Leslie Lassetter moves the library has in its possession items that re outside the scope of the Library’s Historical Collection.  In accordance with the Historical Collection Management Policy, the identified toys, textiles and books will be sold or donated with proceeds going to the Historical Collection Preservation and Care Fund. John Bohannon seconded the motion.  Unanimously approved.
  7. Strategic Planning Committee Report & Recommendations for Next Steps Ellen Taetzsch moves that the board instruct the director, working with the library staff, to develop a set of long range goals for the RFPL for the next 5 years and present a a draft proposal to the long range planning committee not later than January 2017.  John Bohannon seconds. Unanimously approved.
  8. Personnel Committee Report and Recommendation
  1. Director’s Evaluation Chronology John Bohannon moves that the board approve the chronology and form of the director’s annual evaluation and semi-annual performance review and that these become and addendum to the library’s personnel policy documents. Doreen Aldrich seconds. Unanimously approved
  2. Grade John Bohannon moves that the pay grade of the position of library director be upgraded from Grade 11 to Grade 15 and the current Director’s compensation be increased retroactively to step 2 on Grade 15 of the library pay sale beginning July 1, 2016. Ellen Taetzsch seconds. Motion recinded

John Bohannon moves that the grade of the position of Library Director be upgraded from

Grade 11 to grade 15 effective July 1, 2016; and that the current Director’s compensation remain unchanged until January 1, 2017, when it will be increased to step 2 on grade 15 of the library pay scale. Carol Blackwood seconds the motion.  Unanimously approved

  1. Contract John Boahnnon moves that the board approve the elimination of the Director’s draft contract, dated 30 April 2014, with new language which includes relevant points there from in the Director’s job description and the library’s personnel policy (copy of the changes attached to these minutes)
  2. Other Business: SMP settlement letter and money owed to the town John moves that the Library Board of Trustees authorize the Treasure to withdraw $25,065.12, from the River Valley Credit Union account, and transfer this amount to the Town to clear up the balance for the renovation project. These funds will be drawn from the following:

$6,663.94 from the Ostebo Rersesrve Fund

$7,760.00 from the Whitcomb Reserve Fund

and $19,641.18 from the Library’s savings.

Carol Blackwood seconds, unanimously approved for ratification at the next meeting

  1. Executive Session-Litigation John Bohannon moves to find that premature general public knowledge of the situation concerning a ending legal action involving the RFPL board will clearly place the board at a substantial disadvantage by disclosing its current status. Carol Blackwood seconds, unanimously approved.

John Bohannon moves that the board enter into executive session to discuss a legal action

where premature general public knowledge would clearly place the RFPL at a substantial disadvantage and that the director be invited to attend.  Carol Blackwood seconds, unanimously approved

  1. Review and Approve Warrants
  2. Review Action Items and Proposed Agenda Items for Next Meeting Ratifying the SMP settlement money transaction
  3.  Set Datre for Next Meeting: September 27
  4. Adjourn: 8:00pm Martha Rowley motions John Bohannon seconds



July 14, 2016  Proposal Amended at Personnel Committee Meeting

Proposal: Replace the Director’s Employment Contract with new language in the Director’s Job Description and the Library’s Personnel Policy.


One Proposed Change to the Director’s Job Description:

Pg. 1


Employment Contract

The Library Director is employed under conditions set forth by the Employment Contract between the Library Director and the Board of Trustees.


Replace with:


The Library Director is employed under conditions set forth by the Library’s Personnel Policy.



Two Proposed Changes to the Library’s Personnel Policy:

Pg. 6

Under section 14. Disciplinary action

Add on pg. 8:

  1. In regard to the Library Director, disciplinary action will be applied by the Library Board, following the procedures outlined in this policy. At least six members of the Library Board must vote to terminate employment for just cause.


Pg. 11

Under section 20. Employee Evaluation

After first sentence [Written performance evaluation shall be conducted at least once annually for all employees. Evaluations will be conducted between May 1 and June 30 of each year]

Add:  , except for the Library Director as described in Appendix I.




, or by the end of the calendar year for the Library Director (process described in separate document).  All Employees will provide a written response to their evaluations. Each Employee will meet with the Library Director, and the Library Director will meet with the Board, to discuss the written evaluation and response before the evaluation is finalized.